John Correia has acted as an Independent Expert witness of several occasions, in relation to matters pertaining to project finance. In each case, the matter before the courts involved projects worth hundreds of millions in dispute and in one case, John acted for the Australian Tax Office. This involved reviewing extensive amounts of project and commercial data, liaising with legal counsel, including Special Counsels and Barristers and preparing extensive reports to the standards required by the Court.
C4|CAPITAL currently acts on a consulting basis to a statutory authority regarding the negotiation and implementation of their public/private developments with private developers. This work involves negotiating commercial terms, project economics and legal documentation.
We are pleased to announce our involvement in the recently announced acquisition by Mintails Limited (ASX:MLI), over two gold projects in Western Australia. C4 Capital acted as co-adviser along with Viridian Equity and Peloton Advisory to GBF Mining and Mintails in relation to the transaction. The deal will see GBF fund, operate and acquire a 51% JV interest in the high grade Comet Vale underground mine in Kalgoorlie, plus the acquisition of the Golden Lode project. Upon completion of a $7m capital raising and re-listing on the ASX due by mid April, the 51% interest will be acquired by Mintails and the principals of GBF will become major shareholders of Mintails (to be renamed Orminex Limited).
A detailed announcement was made to the ASX on the 25th of January. Mintails and GBF have also entered into a 5 year Strategic Alliance to execute further acquisitions. This is a unique funding and mining model designed to provide capital and expertise to stranded, high grade gold projects, in return for project equity. C4 assisted in the financial modelling of the project and negotiating key commercial agreements. John will join the board of Mintails as a non executive director.